Blog: Succession Planning and Law Practice

  • Succession Planning 101: Basic Considerations
    Most states have no mandatory rules for attorneys to create a There are a few states that have guidance on this issue. Most of them have recommendations or guides. There is a good guide from Colorado available online. Most of the ethics rules from across the county have the same basic guidance: You “may” designate an attorney to manage your practice. You “may” want to have a list of contacts and passwords. You “may”...
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  • I'm NOT Billing Time?
    Watch Now I hope the link to this song works. If not, google “I’m Billing Time” by The Bar and Grill Singers. The song speaks to the heart of every lawyer. Sometimes I would even send it to my clients when they would complain about legal fees. The reality is that most lawyers have a hard time capturing and recording their time. In fact, it is so common a problem that lawyers actually talk about...
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  • The Positive Impact on Women Demanding Work-Life Balance
    Men and women are not the same. They do not face the same challenges in the workplace and they do not face the same discrimination. Where men and women are the same in the legal world is the abuse and mistreatment by the court system and peers in extending courtesies Recently, I had two experiences that highlighted the plain vanilla struggle between men and women in the workplace that persists. Fortunately, these experiences reinforced...
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  • What Happened When I Disconnected From the World for 7 Days?
    I took the month of August off. Sort of. I had a bunch of running around to do and we had planned our first ever 2-week vacation. For the first half of the month, I caught up on various CLEs some outstanding work, took the pup to the vet, and ran my son to YouTube camp. Not really relaxing, but needed. But then I legit took two weeks of vacation. For the first week of...
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